SCoMOA 2023

Summer Course on Modern Optics and Its Applications

28 July – 1 August 2023, Bandung, Indonesia


The Summer Course on Modern Optics and Its Applications (SCoMOA) is an international summer course held by the Indonesian Optical Society (InOS). The SCoMOA 2023 is organized in collaboration with the Physics Department, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Pelita Harapan,  Universitas Padjadjaran, and University of Malaya.

Date and Mode of Meeting

The SCoMOA 2023 will be carried out on July 28th – August 1st, 2023. The summer course will be organized in hybrid mode, where participants from Indonesia will attend the course in-person in Institut Teknologi Bandung while international participants may attend the course online in synchronous mode. The summer course will be integrated with the tutorial sessions of ISMOA 2023. Participants are encouraged to join ISMOA after following the course.


The aim of the summer course is to equip participants with basic knowledge on the rapidly growing field of modern optics/photonics.


The course is designed to address undergraduate and early graduate students in physics and engineering.

Learning Load and Credit Earning

Learning load in the course will consists of 16 x 100 minutes sessions. The learning will consists of lectures, discussions, laboratory sessions, homeworks, groupworks, and evaluations. This learning loads fits to Indonesian 2 credit units course learning load. The organizer encourages the participants to discuss with their academic authority in their institution to explore possibility of credit earning of this summer course. The organizer is open to sign agreement with the home institution of the participants if such formalities are needed.

What will the Participants Receive After the Course

After the course, participants who fulfill the course loads and pass the evaluations will receive a certificate of participation with description on the course topics, course load, and evaluation results.


Participation in the course will be free. Lunch will be provided. However, the participants need to secure the expense of their stay during the course on their own.

Topics and Lecturers

The topics and Lecturers of the Summer Course are as follows

  1. Fundamentals of Optics, Dr. Agoes Soehianie, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
  2. Theory of Optical Waveguides, Dr. Muldarisnur, Universitas Andalas, Indonesia
  3. Lab. Works on Optical Mode Solving, Dr. Henri P. Uranus, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia
  4. Characterization of Optical Waveguides, Prof. Ayi Bahtiar, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
  5. Optical Fibers, Dr. Henri P. Uranus, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia
  6. Plasmonics and Biomedical Applications, Dr. Priastuti Wulandari, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
  7. Solar Cells, Dr. Rahmat Hidayat, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
  8. Light for Sustainable Developments, Dr. Rahmat Hidayat, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
  9. Lab. Works Experiments, Dr. Herman, Institut Teknologi Bandung; Dr. Sahrul Hidayat & Norman Syakir, M.Sc., Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
  10. Group Work and Paper Writing
  11. Optical Periodic System and Photonic Crystals, Prof. Dr. Alexander A. Iskandar, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
  12. Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Prof. Dr. Aslam Baig, National Centre for Physics, Pakistan
  13. Fiber Laser, Prof. Dr. Sulaiman W. Harun, University of Malaya, Malaysia
  14. Laser Interaction with Materials, Dr. Isnaeni, BRIN Indonesia (joint activity with ISMOA Tutorial Session)
  15. Integrated Nanophotonics, Prof. David Marpaung, University of Twente, The Netherlands (joint activity with ISMOA Tutorial Session)
  16. Plasmonics and Its Applications, Dr. Yuto Kajino and Prof. Kaoru Tamada, Kyushu University, Japan (joint activity with ISMOA Tutorial Session)
  17. Evaluation

Organizing Committee


Chair: Rahmat HIDAYAT (ITB)

Co-Chair: Henri P. URANUS (UPH)


Co-Chair: Sulaiman W. HARUN (UNIV. MALAYA)

Local Organizing Committee

Tresurer: Rinda HEDWIG (BINUS)

Secretariat and Registration: Suhandoko D. ISRO, Muhammad ASHARUDDIN, Nur Fadhilah SYARIF (ITB)

Meal Coordinator: Vita EFELINA (ITB), Shakila Anandia PUTRI, Nazwa (UNPAD)

Video Conference Facility: Alvin FARIZ, Adi, Firman, Mohammad Fadli ALIFVIAN (ITB)

Classroom facilities: Maria Artha F. TURNIP, Shofy Zahrotul AGHNIYA, Syafitra SALAM, Raihan M. RAHMAN (ITB)


Registration deadline is 15 July 2023. Please check the registration page.